July 7, 2008

Chapter: Interfaces

Create a framework using Factory Methods that performs both coin tossing and dice tossing.

In Java:
package chapter.interfaces;

import java.util.*;

interface Game {
int toss();

interface GameFactory {
Game getGame();

class Dice implements Game {
public int toss() {
Random rand = new Random(55);
return rand.nextInt(7);

class DiceFactory implements GameFactory {
public Game getGame() {
return new Dice();

class Coins implements Game {
public int toss() {
Random rand = new Random(55);
return rand.nextInt(3);

class CoinsFactory implements GameFactory {
public Game getGame() {
return new Coins();

public class Exercise19 {

public static void playGame(GameFactory factory) {
Game game = factory.getGame();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

public static void main(String[] args) {
playGame(new CoinsFactory());
playGame(new DiceFactory());
